Our Services
Expertise in Variety of Tax Consultation Services
Explore our range of personalized tax solutions for individuals and businesses tailored to your needs.
Company History
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Why Choose Us
Your Partner in Tax Optimization
Capital Gains Tax
Tax when you sell property, shares, personal possessions and business assets
Court claims, debt and bankruptcy
Includes recovering debts, registering for bankruptcy and as a creditor
Income Tax
Includes rates and allowances, tax codes and refunds
Tax credits
Guidance and forms for claiming or renewing tax credits. Including childcare costs, payment dates, leaving or coming to the UK, overpayments and reporting changes.
Includes online returns, rates, charging and record keeping
Dealing with HMRC
Reporting changes, agents, appeals, checks, complaints and help with tax
Meet Our Team
The Experts Behind Pat Tax Adviser
Sir Jim Harra KCB
First Permanent Secretary and Chief Executive
Justin Holliday
Chief Finance Officer and Tax Assurance Commissioner
Carol Bristow
Director General Borders and Trade
Jonathan Athow
Director General Customer Strategy and Tax Design